Safety is a must. Whenever you drive your car down the road, you should make sure to drive safely. However, safe driving is not just about you. It is also about your car. No matter how safe you drive the car, everything you do will be useless if your car fails you. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that your car is in perfect condition. The engine, tyres, brakes, and everything else must be in perfect condition before you drive the car.

Let’s start with your tyres. How often do you check your tyres? Do you know that bad tyres are not always flat? Sometimes, it might seem there is no problem with the tyres, but when you look at them closely, there are problems everywhere. This is the reason you should perform regular maintenance on your tyres. It only takes a simple check to keep you away from trouble on the road.


Given the importance of your tyres, there are minimum requirements that define good tyres:

  • It should have the exact size and match for your car
  • It should have at least 1.6mm of tread depth.
  • It should have enough pressures as recommended by the tyre or your car manufacturer.
  • It should be legal.

The latter is a bit interesting, though. In some countries, you could be fined or lose your driving license if you use illegal tyres.


Follow these steps to make sure your tyres are all in good condition.

  • Check each tyre and make sure there is no any bulge, tear, cut, or any damage on any of them.
  • Check each tyre and make sure there is no nail and/or stone in any of them.
  • Before you drive your car, use a pressure gauge to check the pressure of each tyre. It is important to check the pressure when the tyres are still cool to get the most accurate reading.

To find out the ideal pressure for your tyres, check your car owner’s manual.

Starting from the first tyre, loose the valve cap and attach the pressure gauge firmly. This step will give you a reading. Compare the reading to the recommended pressure. If it is lower than the recommended pressure, inflate the tyres until they match. If there is too much pressure, let some air out. Please be careful when you are done matching the pressure. Take off the pressure gauge quickly to avoid air from escaping the tyre. Repeat this step until you are done with the four of them.

  • Check your tyre tread depth. If the tread depth is 3 mm or lower, you should replace it immediately. The tire tread is the one that keeps you steady on wet terrain. As it wears down, you will begin losing traction on wet road and increase the risk of aquaplaning and skidding. Take your car to the nearest workshop where they offer car tyre replacement to change the tyre.

At Gold Autoworks Pte Ltd, we will help you with your tyre problem.

Call us to make an appointment now.

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